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Joanna . Polkad0tsBeauty

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Heart to Heart | Motivation

Hi everyone! Hope you are all having a wonderful week so far.

This post is going to be different compare to my usual posts. I have never done a heart to heart post, so I just wanted to take this opportunity to get connected with you guys!

Once in a while, we all have those days where we feel defeated and unmotivated. Whether it is to do with school, work or life - whatever the reason is, it is important to give yourself a deadline on it and pick yourself back up! I am no expert, but I just wanted to share with you lovely people a few tips of how I get motivated and back on track.

no.1 Stay Positive

Majority of the time, I like to see the good in bad. So, I learn to see problems and obstacles as learning and self growth opportunities.

no. 2 Find Inspirations (i.e reading motivational quotes or inspiring books)

It might sound silly, but sometimes it actually helps! After all, we all need a small reminder once in a while, right? P.S. #GirlBoss is currently my favourite inspiring book.

no. 3 Get to know yourself . #GOALS

I like to review my list of written goals and plans. If you currently don't have one, create one! Trust me, this will benefit you. It is a great way to remind yourself why you have started. Know what you can take control of and try not to worry so much of what you can't. Keep note of what motivates you and what de-motivates you - find ways to overcome the negatives.

no.4 Track Your Progress

I like to keep track of my personal progess. Each time you reach a milestone (whether it's big or small) in a project, in fitness, health, etc - tally it! Reviewing the progress that you have made will definitely help motivate you to getting further and closer to your goals.

no.5 Relax

It is very important for me to unwind and have time to myself. Take a day or even a week off to let yourself recharge, depending on the situation. But make sure you give yourself a deadline on this to ensure you do get back on track. It is always easier to get motivated when you feel rested and refreshed!

Hopefully these few tips helped one way or another. So, what are your ways of getting motivated? Feel free to comment below!

Thank you so much for reading!


Happy Hump Day loves.

❤︎ Joanna

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